Friday, November 5, 2010

Growing . . .

"You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was." -Irish proverb

It's been a big week! At school, we've had lots of fun honoring Dia de los Muertos and fondly recalling the memories of ancestors and friends who have died. Last year, I lost both of my grandfathers and regularly feel their impact on my day-to-day decision-making, and, not surprisingly, they've both made appearances in my pregnancy dreams. In the world of the the voracious living, Grandma Sharon celebrated her birthday yesterday and Grandma Elaine celebrates hers tomorrow. (Ironically, both Tommy's parents have birthdays this week too.) So I've been thinking about the amazing roles my grandparents played in my life and what treasures Joe, Sharon, Greg and Elaine will be for lil' blueberry. Speaking of the lil' blueberry, we've entered the 3rd trimester, my how time flies! The baby is over 15 inches long and over 2 pounds. Yes, we have lots of growing still to do, but if the blueberry's exercise level is any indication, we're well on our way.

Hang on blueberry, we've got quite a weekend ahead of us!

Question for this week:
What's the most important thing a grandparent can do for a grandchild?

1 comment:

  1. Love them!Play with them! listen to them1
