Thursday, November 11, 2010

Make 'Em Laugh

Last night the blueberry performed in Jackson's first Harold show. The Harold is a type of long-form improv that was brought to Jackson by my friend Andy who learned the trade in Chicago while living with Tommy and Tesha this past summer. So far, the blueberry has been in six Laff Staff improv performances and many hours of rehearsal. In addition to the fact that improv has become my cardio, there are a variety of reasons I believe improv is good preparation for parenthood:
  1. you MUST live in the moment
  2. authentic reactions are the best
  3. you don't always know what's going on, but you go with it
  4. always act confident
  5. trust and support your teammates
  6. yes, there are rules
  7. break the rules when necessary, you know best
  8. the best shows begin by telling your team, "I've got your back!"
  9. it's ALL about the relationships
  10. laugh often



  1. This entry is dedicated to Todd and Holly Hjelt!

  2. We love you! xoxo Holly/Todd/Finn/Flip
