Monday, November 1, 2010

Tops and Bottoms

Bottom 10 List of Pregnancy

10. Somehow still feeling hungry even after Jacob makes me egg-in-the-hole-toast-in-bed or cheesy elk burgers
9. Choosing baby names . . . such a commitment!
8. Reading scare-the-crap-out-of-you pregnancy books
7. Nothing fits and it's seriously cold in Wyoming
6. Being "that girl" at a party to who only drinks water, compares belly sizes with her husband, and happily heads home to bed at 10:00
5. Ah, the aching hips and back
4. Acne like a teenager
3. Superhuman sense of smell that sent me digging through the fridge this morning until I found the beet threatening to rot and tore that sucker out of our home
2. Gone are the days of sleeping through the night
1. I'M HUNGRY!!!

Top 10 List of Pregnancy

10. Jacob happily making me egg-in-the-hole-toast-in-bed and cheesy elk burgers
9. Picking out nursery colors (Sugar Snap Pea and Paint Your Wagon)
8. Long, shiny hair
7. Vivid surreal dreams
6. Dreaming about the blueberry's future
5. Being "that girl" at a party to who only drinks water, compares belly sizes with her husband, and happily heads home to bed at 10:00
4. Receiving hand-me-ups!
3. Looking absolutely radiant 24/7
2. Irrational excitement watching items disappear from the baby registry
1. Giving Mom, Dad, Tesha and Tommy another reason to visit Jackson Hole

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