Wednesday, September 22, 2010


“Growth is the only evidence of life.”
― John Henry Newman

I'm stretching. Not in the good yoga or Pilate's way, but my body is definitely a-changing. This week I noticed the first hints of stretch marks. They are on my hips! So far, my anti-stretch-mark regimen has been organic macadamia nut oil (purchased from a sustainable farm in Guatemala) before bed, a morning shower rub down with Mojito Mint Salt Scrub made locally by the fabulous Kelly C. at (click here to see all the fabulousness!) Kaycee's Naturals, and some Trader Joe's lavender lotion before school. I also toss in an occasional round of cocoa butter with vitamin E. This Sunday, I'm looking forward to some home spa pampering with my gal pals, and I know there are a million wives tales and home remedies out there, so what other suggestions do you have for me?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the promo! Good work with the salt scrub, cocoa butter and Vit E! Macadamia Nut Oil is also fabulous! Love it all! Can't wait to rub your belly this weekend! xoxoxo
