Monday, September 13, 2010

Well, hello in there!

I'm going to let you in on a little debate going on in the Strom-Henrie household. The theme is "Can you feel the baby move?" According to the many sources piled up next to the bed, I should be feeling the first baby movement anytime now. Of course, I've had a variety of different responses from real pregnant people. The books (and websites) state that the first movements are little flutters and can be confused with gas. Considering that pregnancy has gifted me with more gas than ever in my life, if the blueberry has been moving around in there, I've definitely confused it with GI issues. Here's where the debate begins. Jacob truly believes that HE can feel the baby moving. I am not a doctor, but I have to believe that the mom is going to feel baby movement first. Sorry dads out there. But, then again, I could just be in the slow group with the majority of women already feeling their little ones squirming around. So, go ahead and cast your vote, is it possible that Jacob is feeling the baby and I am not?

1 comment:

  1. i vote no way! you would feel blueberry first! i started feeling soft kicks around 19 1/2 weeks. the hubby could feel them about a week later. (i didn't notice the fluttering before the kicks.) i did, however, experience the gas! LOL! but maybe that was baby after all? Also, it is so hard at first for another person to feel the kicks since baby is not as consistent with the karate moves. oh i can't wait until you get a kick, so exciting!!
